The First Step

So, I am finally taking my first step to blogging, wherein, I would be writing about myself, what I do, my struggles, my epiphany, my little happiness and most importantly things that keep me hopeful.

Now, you would be thinking, yeah! But why should I read what you write? The answer is very simple. I am just like everybody else, the same good old mortal being! Read if you connect with me. Read if you can smile with me, be hopeful with me can advise me. But please do not read if you want to judge me. Yes I know, we all judge everybody around us. But would it not be better if we don’t judge and let each be to his/her own. I would like that. I would like to be that non judging person. Ah! The dreams. But then, it costs nothing to be hopeful, isn’t?

A little more about me:

What I do for living?

I write. I mean literally not just to earn a living but to live, I cannot imagine a day without writing, I just cannot.

Where am I from?

I am an Indian. I am based out in India. Though my dream is to travel around the world. Visit each country atleast once.

Who am I as a person?

Just like everybody else I find ways to make my mundane life a bit more interesting.  I read a lot, I mean a lot. This keeps me motivated to write more and write better. I watch a good amount of TV. I think this is the easiest way to cultural and visually connect to different cultures across the world. I like staying fit. A good health ensures a healthy mind too.. I like learn new things or taking up new activities. My motto in life is give everything a try before I die J and this is due to the fact that I get bored easily.

So that is a little about me. I shall keep this updated as and when I make changes in me or around me. Till then, happy reading!

#aboutme #firstpost #page1 #takingfirststep

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I’m Shipra

Welcome to my cozy nook in the vast digital expanse! A seeker amidst life’s chaotic dance. My quest? To unearth joy and inspiration in everything that surrounds me – be it through stories, poetry, films, melodies, heartfelt dialogues, culinary adventures, or the simple moments of daily existence. This blog serves as a window into my soul, capturing who I am, who I was, and who I aspire to become. With each passing year, I find myself more inclined to document not only life’s milestones but also its seemingly insignificant details. Whether these words find their way back to me in the future or reach the eyes of a passerby in the digital world, remains a mystery. Yet, here lies my humble endeavour to weave the fabric of my life into something tangible.

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