You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over. – Richard Branson 

I did, I fell a hundred times over, and learnt. Although this quote is not for health and fitness, but it seems perfect to summarize my tryst with fitness. 

PCOS is an everyday struggle. We are stuck in the vicious cycle of body ache, weight gain, mood changes, lethargy and so much more. I had reached a point where, just to wake up in the morning was a chore. I hated leaving the comfort of my bed, but also hated feeling the need to stay in the bed. 

Over the last few years, I have been trying to repair my relationship with food. It is a tricky relationship. There are days, where I feel guilty for eating. A simple meal can cause anxiety, also if I am eating with people and if even one of them has an eating disorder, it puts me in a downward spiral of guilt and shame. All this for just eating. 

One of the reasons I wanted to adapt working-out was to be able to eat, eat guilt free. 

So, I started with the basic. Walking! It was perfect, low impact and did not need too much fuss. Just some good shoes, music and time. Sounds easy peasy. 

I thought to myself “Oh! I can do it. It is so easy. I am going to walk my weight off. Ok pizza, here I come.” 

So as extra as I am, I bought lovely walking shoes. New work-out clothes. Washed my hair. Styled it in a ponytail. Looking all cute, I put my earphones in and started walking. About 3 to 4 mins in I was out of breath, I could see spots, I was nauseous and just about ready to die.  

It made me realize that I am a 90-year-old woman. Well, there are 90-year-old women who can do planks. So well maybe I am 200 years old! I mean I could not walk for 5 mins. Something as simple as walking. This was the reality-check I needed. This made me see my body, health and fitness in a new light. It was bright and it was as clear as day to me that I wanted to walk, I wanted to increase my stamina, my endurance. I wanted to feel happy, happy with my body and with myself. 

To be able to walk was now essential for my self-respect. 

So, I consulted the best in the market. Google! I googled how to walk. This led me to numerous articles on 10k steps a day. The pros and cons. How to get started? What needs to be done? Etc etc. 

The information was all there, but the number 10,000 steps was very intimidating to me. 

10k steps!!!! I can barely do 2k a day. How will I ever reach 10k? 

Well, I did. Slowly and bravely I did. It has taken me 6 months to reach from 2k steps a day to 10K steps a day. But I have reached this milestone and I am happy beyond words. 

I am proud of myself. I had never thought I would achieve this, but I have, and moreover, I am consistent with it. I look forward to achieving 10 k every day.  

I have found my rhythm in walking. I break the 10K steps into three walking sessions. I listen to music, podcasts, or just connect with friends and family while walking. 

I do not rely on the number on weighing scale (to be honest I threw out my weighing scale). But I look for changes in my body and mind. I have now reached a point where I can do 12K to 15K steps a day and enjoy it. I am also a big believer of walk fitness videos on Youtube. You can check my recommendations hereI have developed a good relationship with food. I know my body needs sustenance to help me reach the milestone everyday. 

This milestone has really transformed me and probably saved my life. And, if a lazy person like me can do this, you can too, so get up, put on your shoes, and let us get walking 🙂 

Until next time, mask up and stay safe! 

All images are from google.

#10ksteps #fitness #PCOS #walking

One response to “10k steps and a lazy girl!”

  1. Yes, I am fat! – Echoes Beyond Ink Avatar

    […] I have 8 small meals a day. I walk 10k steps and practice yoga. And I am […]


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I’m Shipra

Welcome to my cozy nook in the vast digital expanse! A seeker amidst life’s chaotic dance. My quest? To unearth joy and inspiration in everything that surrounds me – be it through stories, poetry, films, melodies, heartfelt dialogues, culinary adventures, or the simple moments of daily existence. This blog serves as a window into my soul, capturing who I am, who I was, and who I aspire to become. With each passing year, I find myself more inclined to document not only life’s milestones but also its seemingly insignificant details. Whether these words find their way back to me in the future or reach the eyes of a passerby in the digital world, remains a mystery. Yet, here lies my humble endeavour to weave the fabric of my life into something tangible.

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